African Animals Trivia QuizAnimals Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which of these large cats has "rosettes"?
a. Leopard
b. Cougar
c. Tiger
d. Lion
Leopard - Jaguars and cheetahs also have rosettes.
In which of these African countries would you find the African
a. Ethiopia
b. Kenya
c. Libya
d. South Africa
South Africa - The African penguin is also referred to as the black-footed penguin.
What is the correct term for a pack of hyenas?
a. Parliament
b. Pride
c. Clan
d. Brood
Clan - A parliament is a group of owls.
What is a pharaoh's chicken?
a. A snake
b. A tortoise
c. A camel
d. A vulture
A vulture - This bird is also called an Egyptian vulture.
How many toes does a white rhino have?
a. 6
b. 3
c. 5
d. 2
3 - White rhinos are grazers that live on the savannah.
Which of these animals is only found in Zanzibar and Kenya?
a. Aders' Duiker
b. Leopard
c. Lion
d. Zebra
Aders' Duiker - There are less than 1,400 of these animals left in the wild.
The African owl is not a true owl. What is it?
a. A duck
b. A swallow
c. A pigeon
d. A parrot
A pigeon - This bird is the result of selective breeding.
Cheetahs do not always run at top speed. What is the normal
speed of a chase?
a. 40 mph
b. 25mph
c. 15 mph
d. 65 mph
40 mph - A cheetah's maximum speed is about 70 mph. However, they can only maintain this speed for short
The horn of which of these animals are removed in Zimbabwe in
order to protect them?
a. Gnu
b. Gazelle
c. Black Rhinoceros
d. Elephant
Black Rhinoceros - Poachers kill these animals to take their horns, which are made into medicines in
After the elephant, which animal is the largest land mammal?
a. The hippo
b. The ape
c. The rhino
d. The water buffalo
The rhino - Rhinos can weigh up to 2000 pounds.
Which of these animals feeds of the African acacia tree?
a. Giraffe
b. Vulture
c. Hippo
d. Lion
Giraffe - This tree is also known as the thorn tree.
Which of these animals was almost rendered extinct due to
"thinning" efforts of governments?
a. Springbok
b. Zebra
c. Gnu
d. Auk
Springbok - In their attempt to lower the huge population of these animals, governments went too far and
almost wiped them completely out.
Which creature has the ability to bite an adult crocodile in
a. Hippo
b. Lion
c. Tiger
d. Rhino
Hippo - Hippos will kill crocodiles if they feel threatened.
What human disease can armadillos get?
a. Leprosy
b. Scarlett Fever
c. Chicken Pox
Leprosy - The armadillo has been used to study the disease because they can catch it very easily, due to
their low body temperature.
Which of these creatures is closely related to the hyena?
a. Mongoose
b. Ferret
c. Wolf
d. Cat
Mongoose - Hyenas are hunters.

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