American Civil War Trivia Quiz IIHistory Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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The 16th President of the United States, in what year was Abraham Lincoln elected?
a. 1856 b. 1848 c. 1872 d. 1860
1860 - Abraham received 180 out of 303 possible votes.
With the election of Abraham Lincoln, seen as the last straw, which was the first state to succeed from the Union on December 20, 1860?
a. Florida b. Texas c. Georgia d. South Carolina
South Carolina - Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi followed in January of 1861.
In office from February 18, 1861 until May 10, 1865, who was elected President of the Confederation?
a. Thomas J. Jackson b. Ulysses Grant c. Abraham Lincoln d. Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis - When Davis was captured in 1865, he was accused of treason, but was released after spending two years in jail.
A Louisiana-born American military officer, who commanded the attack on Fort Sumter?
a. Gen. Johnston b. Gen. Beauregard c. Gen. Jackson d. Gen. Lee
Gen. Beauregard - The attack began on April 12th, 1861.
Named after Revolutionary War hero General Thomas Sumter, in which state is Fort Sumter located?
a. Virginia b. Louisiana c. Maine d. South Carolina
South Carolina - The fort is located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
How many states joined the Union?
a. 8 b. 15 c. 27 d. 21
21 - Virginia joined the Union on the 17th of April 1861.
On the 20th of April, which General resigned his commission in the United States Army?
a. Joseph E. Johnston b. Robert E. Lee c. John Pope d. John C. Fremont
Robert E. Lee - Lee accepted a position with the Union.
One of the best-known Confederate commanders, which General earned the nickname "Stonewall"?
a. Forrest b. Anderson c. Lee d. Jackson
Jackson - All of these men were Confederate Generals.
What was the name of Abraham Lincoln's son who died during the war?
a. John b. Henry c. Willie d. Paul
Willie - Willie was only eleven when he died.
A series of six major battles over seven days, where did the "Seven Days Battles" occur?
a. Near Charleston b. Near Baton Rouge c. Near Richmond d. Near Washington
Near Richmond - The Seven Days Battles began on June 25th, 1862.
Which day was considered the bloodiest day of the entire civil war?
a. June 5, 1863 b. September 17, 1862 c. August 3, 1965 d. November 2, 1861
September 17, 1862 - Known as the Battle of Antietam, 26,000 men were killed, wounded or missing.
Which General suffered a major defeat at the Battle of Fredericksburg?
a. Gen. Hooker b. Gen. Lee c. Gen. Custer d. Gen. Burnside
Gen. Burnside - The Union lost 12, 563 men during the assaults.
Which General died at the Battle of Shiloh (also known as the Battle of Pittsburgh Landing) in April of 1962?
a. Gen. Zollicoffer b. Gen. McCook c. Gen. Griffith d. Gen. Johnston
Gen. Johnston - The General was killed in a peach orchard.
After the Battle of Atlanta, who telegraphed Abraham Lincoln stating, "Atlanta is ours, and fairly won"?
a. Gen. Sheridan b. Gen. Sherman c. Gen. Jackson d. Gen. Grant
Gen. Sherman - Atlanta was taken on September 2nd, 1864.
In what year was the thirteenth amendment passed?
a. 1865 b. 1883 c. 1876 d. 1860
1865 - The thirteenth amendment abolishes slavery.
Whom did General Lee surrender the Confederate Army to?
a. Gen. Grant b. King Henry c. Thomas Jefferson d. Abraham Lincoln
Gen. Grant - General Lee surrendered the Confederate Army on the 9th of April 1865.
Where did General Lee (himself) surrender?
a. McClean House b. At the White House c. The Richmond Library d. The Charleston Courthouse
McClean House - There were several battles that occurred after the formal surrender.
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