Animals Trivia Quiz #6Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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Native to south central China, what animal's diet is made up primarily of bamboo?
a. Baboon b. Warthog c. Eurasian lynx d. Panda
Panda - Giant Pandas are an endangered species.
What is the average life span for a lab mouse?
a. Four years b. Six months c. Three weeks d. 2 and a half years
2 and a half years - Mice in captivity live about two and a half years whereas wild mice live only about four months.
Gatophobia is the fear of what kind of creature?
a. Bears b. Snakes c. Cats d. Spiders
Cats - Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes.
By size, the tiger is the largest cat, the lion is the second largest. Which cat is the third largest?
a. Leopard b. Cheetah c. Jaguar d. Cougar
Jaguar - The jaguar is the only large cat native to South America.
What is the proper term for a female elephant?
a. Mare b. Doe c. Cow d. Sow
Cow - The male is referred to as a bull.
What is the only continent where bees do not live naturally?
a. Asia b. Antarctica c. North America d. South America
Antarctica - Bees are native to every other continent.
Approximately, how many hours a day do cats normally sleep?
a. 14-16 b. 8-10 c. 2-4 d. 4-6
14-16 - Cats are carnivores.
If you were hunting a doe, what are you hunting?
a. A boar b. A deer c. A duck d. A bear
A deer - A doe is a female deer.
In a race, which of these creatures would mostly likely win?
a. Bonefish b. Four-winged flying fish c. Tarpon d. Marlin
Marlin - Marlin can swim at a speed of almost 50 mph.
What bird was once native to the Island of Mauritius?
a. Pink-headed Duck b. Great Auk c. Flamingo d. Dodo
Dodo - A flightless bird, the dodo stood about a meter high.
Which of these creatures lays eggs?
a. Fruit bat b. Mouse c. Beluga whale d. Echidna
Echidna - The echidna is native to Australia.
How many eyelids does a camel have?
a. 2 b. 5 c. 0 d. 3
3 - Two of the eyelids have lashes and the third eyelid comes from the corner of the eye.
Which of these creatures kills the most people per year?
a. Hippopotamus b. Mosquito c. Great white shark d. Crocodile
Mosquito - Mosquitoes are responsible for the deaths of approximately 6,000,000 people every year.
How long can the tentacles on a Portuguese man-o-war grow?
a. 150 feet b. 50 feet c. 100 feet d. 20 feet
150 feet - Man-o-war tentacles have been recorded as long as 164 feet.
Which of these animals has the longest lifespan?
a. Tuatara b. Parrot c. Rockfish d. Asian Elephant
Tuatara - Endemic to New Zealand, the average life span of a tuatara is seventy years.
Which of these animals is the largest by weight?
a. Mountain Gorilla b. Orangutan c. Baboon d. Spider monkey
Mountain Gorilla - The mountain gorilla can weigh anywhere from 300 to 425 pounds.
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