Animals Trivia Quiz IIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable
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Mostly native to Australia, what kind of plant makes up the majority of the Koala's diet?
a. Cherry
b. Eucalyptus
c. Oak
d. Bamboo
Eucalyptus - There are more than 700 kinds of Eucalyptus trees.
What kind of animal is a drake?
a. Elephant
b. Duck
c. Hyena
d. Cow
Duck - A drake is a male duck.
Which of these is not a type of Owl?
a. Leaping
b. Grey
c. Leopard
d. Snowy
Leaping - Owls are birds of prey. There are more than 200 kinds of owls.
What is an Auk?
a. Bird
b. Fish
c. Frog
d. Deer
Bird - Auks are black and white in color.
What kind of bird is a "Rockhopper"?
a. Owl
b. Penguin
c. Duck
d. Flamingo
Penguin - Rockhoppers eat krill, squid and fish.
Where would you find a gnu?
a. Australia
b. South America
c. Africa
d. The Arctic
Africa - The Gnu is a wildebeest. They are members of the antelope family.
What animal is also called a cachalot?
a. Sperm whale
b. Tiger
c. Brown bear
d. Walrus
Sperm whale - The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales.
What is a Kemp's Ridley?
a. Squirrel
b. Turtle
c. Dove
d. Deer
Turtle - The Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle is the rarest of the sea turtles. They are critically endangered.
Which of the following animals would eat krill?
a. Snakes
b. Whales
c. Sheep
d. Lions
Whales - Krill are tiny crustaceans. They are food for whales, penguins and other fish.
What do you call a young frog?
a. Tadpole
b. Krill
c. Larva
d. Newt
Tadpole - Tadpoles are also called pollywogs.
Which of the following animals might attack a walrus?
a. Jaguar
b. King cobra
c. Gorilla
d. Polar bear
Polar bear - The walrus is a large marine mammal.
What kind of animal is a Large Skipper?
a. Bird
b. Snake
c. Frog
d. Butterfly
Butterfly - Large skippers are found all over Europe.
Which of these animals is not a carnivore?
a. Chital
b. Garter snake
c. Snowy Owl
d. American Bull Frog
Chital - The chital is also known as a spotted deer.
Which of these birds would have a wing span of over 80 inches?
a. Eagle
b. Chickadee
c. Robin
d. Swallow
Eagle - Bald Eagles are not bald. They have white feathers on their head.
Which one of these snakes would you find on land?
a. Adder
b. Kloss
c. Stoke's
d. Olive Headed
Adder - There are many kinds of Adders including the death adder, the deaf adder and the night adder.

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