Animals Trivia Quiz IVAnimal Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
How long can a queen termite live?
a. 5 years
b. 25 years
c. 80 years
d. 45 years
45 years - Termites take care of their young collectively.
Which of these is another term for weakfish?
a. Sea trout
b. Speckle trout
c. Sea bass
d. Tuna
Sea trout - Weakfish live on the east coast of North America.
What is a wallaroo?
a. A sea bird
b. A tropical fish
c. A kangaroo
d. A spider
A kangaroo - Wallaroos are native to Australia.
Which of these animals live in Indonesia?
a. Orangutan
b. Lemur
c. Chimpanzee
d. Gorilla
Orangutan - Orangutans spend most of their time in the trees.
Which of these creatures is related to the genet?
a. Civet
b. Donkey
c. Capybara
d. Guinea pig
Civet - A genet is an old world mammal. These creatures are also closely related to the fossa and the
Where would you be able to see a fossa?
a. Iran
b. Sumatra
c. Columbia
d. Madagascar
Madagascar - As of 2013, the fossa is classified as near threatened.
Which of these birds cannot fly?
a. Sandpiper
b. Rhea
c. Grouse
d. Tern
Rhea - The rhea is native to South America.
Which of these classifications applies to the Aldabra?
a. Reptile
b. Fish
c. Bird
d. Mammal
Reptile - The Aldabra is a giant tortoise.
Which of these frogs is often called a Pacman Frog?
a. Argentine Horned Frog
b. Goliath Frog
c. Helen’s Flying Frog
d. Leopard Frog
Argentine Horned Frog - The Argentine Horned frog is also called the Argentine Wide Mouthed Frog.
Which of these creatures would have a dewlap?
a. Cobra
b. Hamster
c. Iguana
d. Rabbit
Iguana - The dewlap hangs beneath the lower jaw.
Which of these animals lives on the Eurasian Steppes?
a. Lemur
b. Mongoose
c. Saga antelope
d. Gnu
Saga antelope - The saga antelope is currently listed as critically endangered.
Which fact about the moose is true?
a. They do not have knees
b. They are carnivores
c. They are native to North America
d. They lay eggs
They are native to North America - Moose are the largest members of the deer family.
Which of these animals might you see if you were in the High
a. Honey badger
b. White tailed deer
c. Bearded dragon
d. Guinea pig
Honey badger - This mountain range is located in the central part of Africa.
Which animals name translates to mean "bold" or "to push"?
a. Stoat
b. Chinchilla
c. Capybara
d. Rhea
Stoat - A stoat or ermine is related to the weasel.

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