Animals and Nature Trivia Quiz #4Printable Animal Trivia Questions
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On what continent would you find the world's largest reef system?
a. North America
b. Australia
c. Africa
d. South America
Australia - The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest.
What animal has killed more people in Africa than any other animal?
a. Elephant
b. Tiger
c. Hippopotamus
d. Lion
Hippopotamus - Hippopotamuses are extremely aggressive animals and can attack without provocation.
Which of the following animals is not a marsupial?
a. Opossum
b. Platypus
c. Bandicoot
d. Wombat
Platypus - The platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal.
Which of the following animal combinations has the most number of legs?
a. Three spiders
b. Three and a half camels
c. Four and a quarter horses
d. Five ants
Five ants - An ant has six legs that are attached to its thorax - three on each side.
The leaves of which tree are the staple diet of the koala?
a. Golden Wattle
b. Moreton Bay Fig
c. Banksia
d. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus - The koala is a marsupial that is native to Australia.
Approximately, how many hours per day do Pandas spend eating?
a. 1
b. 14
c. 24
d. 4
14 - A Panda can eat up to 27 pounds of bamboo a day.
The kangaroo rat of the western USA can go their entire lives without what?
a. Food
b. Sleep
c. Shade
d. Water
Water - Named the kangaroo rat because they can jump up to nine feet at once.
Trumpeter, Whooper and Mute are species of which type of bird?
a. Duck
b. Ostrich
c. Swan
d. Penguin
Swan - Geese and ducks are close relatives to the swan.
The bark of which tree was originally used to make aspirin?
a. Oak
b. Redwood
c. Birch
d. Willow
Willow - Medicines derived from willow trees date back to ancient Sumer.
What is the collective name for a group of frogs?
a. Herd
b. Legion
c. Tribe
d. Army
Army - A group of cats is called a clowder.
What is the national animal of Afghanistan?
a. Caspian Tiger
b. Snow Leopard
c. Rhesus Monkey
d. Mongoose
Snow Leopard - The national bird of Afghanistan is the Golden Eagle.
Native to South America, what is the world's largest living rodent?
a. Capybara
b. Cavies
c. Chinchilla
d. Beaver
Capybara - The capybara has a barrel-shaped body and short head.
What color is the tongue of a giraffe?
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. Red
d. Black
Black - It is believed that the giraffe's tongue is black to protect it from sunburn.
The dodo bird, an extinct flightless bird, was native to which island(s)?
a. Mauritius
b. Ascension Island
c. Solomon Islands
d. Madagascar
Mauritius - The Mauritius Island is east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.
What is the only fruit in which the seeds grow on the outside of its skin?
a. Strawberry
b. Kumquat
c. Gooseberry
d. Bilberry
Strawberry - Strawberries are high in vitamin C.
From which country does the Doberman Pinscher originate?
a. Poland
b. Germany
c. USA
d. Austria
Germany - The Doberman Pinscher was developed by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann sometime around 1890.
Helminthology is the study of which creature?
a. Centipede
b. Badger
c. Mole
d. Parasitic Worm
Parasitic Worm - Helminthiasis is the medical condition of being infected with parasitic worms.
Tiger, Blacktip Reef and Hammerhead are species of which fish?
a. Marlin
b. Whale
c. Pike
d. Shark
Shark - There are over 500 species of sharks.
The second-largest rodent in the world, what is a beaver's home called?
a. Den
b. Lodge
c. Dam
d. Holt
Lodge - Beavers are good swimmers and can stay under water for up to 15 minutes.
Which rainforest produces half of the Earth's oxygen supply?
a. Amazon Rainforest
b. Congo Rainforest
c. Daintree Rainforest
d. Pacific Temperate Rainforest
Amazon Rainforest - The Amazon Rainforest encompasses 7,000,000 square kilometers.
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