Animals and Nature Trivia Quiz #5Printable Animal Trivia Questions
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Native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere, which member of the birch family Betulaceae produces edible nuts of the same name?
a. Alder
b. Pine
c. Hornbeam
d. Hazel
Hazel - The Celts believed hazelnuts gave one inspiration and wisdom.
Which small mammal has varieties named "Armored", "Mouse" and "Masked"?
a. Pika
b. Shrew
c. Squirrel
d. Weasel
Shrew - Although a shew looks somewhat like a long-nosed mouse, it is not a rodent, it's a mole.
Which of the following dogs is best-known for its keen sense of smell and tracking abilities?
a. Chihuahua
b. Rottweiler
c. Bloodhound
d. Bulldog
Bloodhound - Bloodhounds are well-known for their ability to distinguish human scent over great distances.
Currently at 32 species, this land-adapted fish can spend days walking around out of water.
a. Tench
b. Wels Catfish
c. Haddock
d. Mudskipper
Mudskipper - Mudskippers use their pelvic and pectoral fins to walk on land.
What is the correct term used when one refers to a male rabbit?
a. Boomer
b. Colt
c. Buck
d. Stallion
Buck - A female rabbit is called a doe.
A specialty of Mexico, this liquor is made from the blue agave plant.
a. Gin
b. Vodka
c. Rum
d. Tequila
Tequila - Tequila was first produced sometime in the 16th century.
Found throughout most of the world, what are the only mammals that can achieve true and continual flight?
a. Sugar Glider
b. Owl
c. Bat
d. Flying Squirrel
Bat - About 70 percent of the bat species are insectivores.
What is the offspring called when a male donkey and female horse mate?
a. Mule
b. Jack
c. Jenny
d. Mare
Mule - When a male horse is crossed with a female donkey, they produce a hinny.
How many hearts does an octopus have?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. One
Three - An octopus has no internal or external skeleton.
Linseed Oil is harvested from what pale blue flowered plant?
a. Eucalyptus
b. River Ash
c. Flax
d. Coneflower
Flax - The textile 'linen' also comes from the flax plant.
With a diet that consists of over 99 percent bamboo, which of the following bears is native to south central China?
a. Giant Panda
b. Moon Bear
c. Cave Bear
d. Sloth Bear
Giant Panda - Part of the family Ursidae, the panda is a true bear.
What is the largest extant "true" bird of prey in the world?
a. Harpy Eagle
b. Bearded Vulture
c. Eurasian Eagle Owl
d. Cinereous Vulture
Cinereous Vulture - Condors, which are slightly larger, are now generally considered unrelated to the true raptors.
With approximately 700 species worldwide, what kind of insect is a "whirligig"?
a. Spider
b. Dragonfly
c. Earwig
d. Beetle
Beetle - Whirligig Beetles get their name from their habit of swimming hastily in circles when distressed.
Capable of causing death, what is the world's most venomous spider (most toxic to humans)?
a. Redback Spider
b. Wolf spider
c. Brown Widow Spider
d. Sydney Funnel-Web Spider
Sydney Funnel-Web Spider - The Sydney funnel-web spider is native to eastern Australia.
The second-largest rodent in the world, what animal uses branches to dam streams and make its home?
a. Beaver
b. Rakali
c. Coypu
d. Muskrat
Beaver - A beaver's home is called a lodge.
The meats "mutton" and "hogget" come from what animal?
a. Sheep
b. Deer
c. Cow
d. Pig
Sheep - The meat that comes from a sheep in its first year of life is called lamb.
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