Animals and Nature Trivia Quiz IIIPrintable Animal Trivia Questions
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Where on a fish would you find its dorsal fin?
a. Tail
b. Stomach
c. Back
d. Head
Back - Depending on the species, a fish may have one or two dorsal fins.
Originating in northern China, this dog breed is known for its unique blue-black tongue and thick coat of fur.
a. Chow Chow
b. Shar Pei
c. Shih Tzu
d. Pekingese
Chow Chow - The Chow Chow is one of the few ancient dog breeds still in existence.
This species of bird is the national animal of the United States of America.
a. Prairie Falcon
b. Black Vulture
c. White-tailed Hawk
d. Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle - The Bald Eagle is found only in North America.
With a top speed of five feet per hour, what is the world's slowest fish?
a. Stickleback
b. Dab
c. Dwarf Seahorse
d. Angelfish
Dwarf Seahorse - Endangered, the dwarf seahorse is found in the Bahamas and the United States.
All tigers, expect white tigers, have what color of eyes?
a. Blue
b. White
c. Pink
d. Yellow
Yellow - The white tiger typically has blue eyes.
Apiculture is the keeping and/or study of what animal?
a. Tadpoles
b. Butterflies
c. Apes
d. Bees
Bees - A location where bees are kept is called a bee yard or an apiary.
How many permanent teeth does an adult dog have?
a. 42
b. 36
c. 28
d. 32
42 - Puppies possess 28 baby teeth.
In the 2011 movie "The Grey", Liam Neeson battled a pack of which type of wild animal?
a. Bears
b. Hyenas
c. Pumas
d. Wolves
Wolves - The Grey is based on the short story 'Ghost Walker' by Ian MacKenzie Jeffers.
Macaws, long-tailed colorful parrots, consist of how many species?
a. 13
b. 17
c. 15
d. 19
19 - The largest macaws are Buffon's Great Green and Green-Winged Macaws.
Traditionally, Mozzarella cheese was made from the milk of which animal?
a. Goat
b. Donkey
c. Water Buffalo
d. Sheep
Water Buffalo - Most of the Mozzarella cheeses available today are made from cow's milk.
Sharing its name with a percussion instrument, which relative of the antelope, native to Africa, has white vertical stripes on its body?
a. Bongo
b. Timpani
c. Djembe
d. Tom-tom
Bongo - The Bongo is one of the largest of the African forest antelope species.
The French clothing company "Lacoste" features which type of animal in its logo?
a. Snake
b. Horse
c. Crocodile
d. Eagle
Crocodile - Lacoste was founded in 1933.
The Roadrunner is a member of which bird family?
a. Parrot
b. Budgie
c. Cuckoo
d. Cockatiel
Cuckoo - Some roadrunners have been clocked at 20 miles per hour.
The world's largest frog and beetle are both named after which biblical character?
a. Samson
b. Goliath
c. Magog
d. David
Goliath - The Goliath Frog can grow up to 12.6 in in length and weigh up to 7.17 lbs.
Conventionally, what birds were used in coal mines to detect toxic gases such as Carbon monoxide?
a. Parrots
b. Canaries
c. Sparrows
d. Budgies
Canaries - Well into the 20th century, coal miners brought canaries into coal mines for the purpose of detecting toxic gases.
What name is used for a young penguin?
a. Cub
b. Trout
c. Babe
d. Chick
Chick - Penguins live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere.
What name is given to the temporary nest structures that army ants construct from their own bodies to protect their queen?
a. Bivouac
b. Shield
c. Tent
d. Formicary
Bivouac - When on the move, the army ants set up bivouacs at new sites each night.
What type of bird is the only bird that can fly backwards, as well as upside-down?
a. Vireo
b. Wren
c. Waxbill
d. Hummingbird
Hummingbird - Hummingbirds are among the smallest of birds in the world.
What type of animal is Harry Potter's pet "Hedwig"?
a. Cat
b. Rabbit
c. Snake
d. Owl
Owl - Hedwig was given to Harry as a birthday present by Rubeus Hagrid.
Among this animal's species are the crabeater, elephant, spotted and fur.
a. Seal
b. Whale
c. Dolphin
d. Shark
Seal - The Japanese sea lion and the Caribbean monk seal have become extinct in the past century.
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