Arts And Literature Trivia Questions #10Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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The Bennett Family appears in which classic novel that was published in 1813?
a. The Great Gatsby b. The Sun Also Rises c. Pride and Prejudice d. Wuthering Heights
Pride and Prejudice - Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane Austin.
Who wrote the poems "Brown Penny" and "A Poet to His Beloved"?
a. Alfred Lord Tennyson b. James Wright c. William Butler Yeats d. Dylan Thomas
William Butler Yeats - William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet.
The Day of the Jackal is about an assassination attempt on whom?
a. Adolph Hitler b. Abraham Lincoln c. Winston Churchill d. Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle - The Day of the Jackal was published in 1971 by Frederick Forsyth.
Whose garden at Giverny was the inspiration for a number of paintings?
a. Josef Abel b. Vincent Van Gogh c. Claude Monet d. Pablo Picasso
Claude Monet - Giverny is located on the Seine River.
What novel was once titled "The White Whale"?
a. The Trial b. Moby Dick c. The Old Man and the Sea d. Robinson Crusoe
Moby Dick - Moby Dick was written by Herman Melville.
Which painter used the Dedham Vale for many of his landscapes?
a. John Constable b. Frans Hal c. Tom Palin d. Alice Neel
John Constable - One of John's most famous paintings is entitled the Dedham Vale.
What kind of animal was Tarka?
a. Lion b. Otter c. Elephant d. Wolf
Otter - Published in 1927, Tarka the Otter was written by Henry Williamson.
Which famous artist painted the following - Portrait of the merchant Georg, and the portraits of Lord and Lady Elyot?
a. Hans Holbein the Younger b. William Lanthrope c. Thomas Daly d. Andre Pijet
Hans Holbein the Younger - Hans is known for being one of the best portrait artists of the 16th century.
Which of these novels first appeared as a serial in "Blackwood's Magazine"?
a. Catch 22 b. Gulliver’s Travels c. Jaws d. The Thirty-Nine Steps
The Thirty-Nine Steps - First published in 1815, The Thirty Nine Steps was written by John Buchan.
Who wrote the classic tale of "Rip Van Winkle"?
a. Washington Irving b. Tom Clancy c. Tennessee Williams d. Herman Melville
Washington Irving - Rip Van Winkle was first published in 1819. It was a short story.
What is the first name of the fictional character "Miss Marple"?
a. Sarah b. Louise c. Elizabeth d. Jane
Jane - Created by Agatha Christie, Miss Marple appeared in 12 of Christie's crime novels.
Written by Edward Lear, which poem opens with the line "On the top of the Crumpetty Tree"?
a. A Dream Within a Dream b. Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face c. The Quangle Wangle's Hat d. And The Moon And The Stars And The World
The Quangle Wangle's Hat - Edward Lear is well known for his limericks.
Used in numerous advertisements for Pears soap, the painting "Bubbles" was originally called?
a. Little Boy in Brown b. Imagination c. Wondering d. A Child's World
A Child's World - Bubbles was painted by Sir John Everett Millais.
In literature, whom is Bredbeddle better known as?
a. The Black Knight b. The Wizard of OZ c. The Green Knight d. Zorro
The Green Knight - The Green Knight is also known as Bercilak in certain tales.
Which novel opens with the line "It was a pleasure to burn"?
a. Fahrenheit 451 b. Brave New World c. Dune d. Towering Inferno
Fahrenheit 451 - Fahrenheit 451 was written by Ray Bradbury.
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