Arts And Literature Trivia Questions #7Free Trivia Questions -
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Which painter painted more than 200 pictures of his garden at
a. Seurat
b. Rembrandt
c. Picasso
d. Monet
Monet - Monet called the series of paintings Water Lilies.
Which of Shakespeare's many plays starts with the line "Now is
the winter of our discontent"?
a. Hamlet
b. Othello
c. Richard III
d. King Lear
Richard III - Historians believe that this play was written in 1592.
Which artist painted "Coca-Cola Bottles"?
a. Jackson Pollock
b. Frank Stella
c. Larry Poons
d. Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol - This painting was done in 1962.
Which abstract painter once played guitar with the Druds?
a. Sam Gillam
b. Jasper Johns
c. Larry Poons
d. Mario Merz
Larry Poons - Larry Poons is known for his work in pop art.
Who wrote the classic tale "Rip Van Winkle"?
a. Charles Dickens
b. Washington Irving
c. Mark Twain
d. Arthur Miller
Washington Irving - This short story was published in 1819.
Which artist created the cover art for albums done by the
Inbreds, the Flashing Lights and Sloan?
a. Simon Hoegsberg
b. Andrew G. Hobbs
c. Ben Hassett
d. Lee Towndrow
Lee Towndrow - Lee is a photographer.
Which of these short stories is set in Yoknapatawpha County?
a. The Gray Champion
b. Rip Van Winkle
c. A Rose for Emily
d. The Wedding Knell
A Rose for Emily - The story was written by William Faulkner.
Who wrote the play "Blues for Mister Charlie"?
a. Maya Angelou
b. John Steinbeck
c. James Baldwin
d. Langston Hughes
James Baldwin - James was an American author who was born in 1924.
Which of these stories is about the Glass family?
a. To Build a Fire
b. A Dark Brown Dog
c. Tender is the Night
d. Franny and Zooey
Franny and Zooey - The story was penned by J. D. Salinger.
What is the name of the American character found in the classic
story "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"?
a. Arthur Steinbeck
b. Hank Morgan
c. Samuel Lamont
d. Billy Loman
Hank Morgan - Hank suffers an injury and is somehow transported back to the court of King Arthur.
What does Will Loman sell in the novel "Death of a Salesman"?
a. Vacuums
b. Encyclopaedias
c. Brushes
d. Unknown
Unknown - Although the author mentions things he has sold in the past, the reader is never told what he
is currently selling.
What is the alternative title of the painting "Bubbles"?
a. Au Lapin Agile
b. Le Reve
c. Orange, Red, Yellow
d. A Child's World
A Child's World - This painting was done by Sir John Everett Millais.
How many sunflowers were in Vincent van Gogh's famous painting?
a. 23
b. 7
c. 15
d. 9
15 - The title of the paining is actually Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers.
In which novel would you encounter the characters of Dogger,
Mr. Dance and Benjamin Gunn?
a. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
b. The Sun also Rises
c. Treasure Island
d. Moby Dick
Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island.
Which of the following paintings sold for more than $250
million dollars in 2011?
a. The Card Players
b. The Scream
c. Irises
d. Flag
The Card Players - The Card Players is a series of paintings by Paul Cezanne. Qatar purchased one of the
paintings from the series.
Who used movable type to produce his "42-Line Bible" in Mainz,
Germany, in the mid-1400s?
a. Johann Gutenberg
b. St Jerome
c. King James
d. John Calvin
Johann Gutenberg - The use of movable type was a marked improvement on the handwritten manuscript that
was in use at the time.

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