Arts And Literature Trivia Questions #9Free Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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The novel "The War of the Roses" was written by which author?
a. James Baar b. Frank Norris c. Warren Adler d. Jan Karon
Warren Adler - Adler also penned Random Hearts.
When did the psychedelic art movement begin?
a. 1960s b. 1880s c. 1810s d. 1930s
1960s - The term psychedelic art was coined by Humphry Fortescue Osmond.
Which famous literary character lives at Gateshead Hall and Lowood School?
a. Jane Eyre b. Victor Frankenstein c. Cardinal Richelieu d. Harry Potter
Jane Eyre - Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte.
What style of painting was Frederic Bazille best known for?
a. Realism b. Impressionist c. Abstract d. Pop art
Impressionist - Bazille was born in 1841.
Which of these poems was written by Jack Prelutsky?
a. Hot and Cold b. Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens c. I Thought of You d. First Day at School
Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens - Jack is an American poet. He writes a lot of children's poetry.
Who wrote the poem "Death Be Not Proud"?
a. John Keats b. John Donne c. Robert Burns d. William Blake
John Donne - This poem was published after Donne's death in 1633.
Which of these pen names has NOT been used by author Dean Koontz?
a. Aaron Wolfe b. Diablo Cody c. Brian Coffey d. David Axton
Diablo Cody - Brook Busey used the pen name Diablo Cody.
"To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower" is the first line to which famous poem?
a. Auguries of Innocence b. Lovesong c. A Silly Poem d. Dover Beach
Auguries of Innocence - Auguries of Innocence was written by William Blake.
Who wrote the classic story "Rip Van Winkle"?
a. Ray Bradbury b. Washington Irving c. Stephen King d. Alexander Dumas
Washington Irving - A short story, Rip Van Winkle was published in 1819.
Published in 1989, in which novel would you read about Suyuan Woo and An-Mei Hsu?
a. The Secret History b. The Joy Luck Club c. The Cape Cod Mystery d. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Joy Luck Club - This best seller was written by Amy Tan.
Written by Barbara Kingsolver, "Pigs in Heaven" is the sequel to which of these novels?
a. A Grave Talent b. Andersonville c. The Madman’s Tale d. The Bean Trees
The Bean Trees - The story of Taylor Greer and her adopted Cherokee daughter who is named Turtle.
Justin Cobb is the main character in which of these novels?
a. O America b. Diary of a Wimpy Kid c. Up the Down Staircase d. Thumbsucker
Thumbsucker - Published in 1999, Thumbsucker was written by Walter Kirn.
"Is there anybody there?" said the Traveller, is the first line of which famous poem?
a. First Love b. The Listeners c. Sea Fever d. Echo
The Listeners - This poem was written by Walter de la Mare.
The characters Bruno Frye and Hilary Thomas appear in which novel?
a. A Different Drummer b. Whispers c. Ironweed d. Being There
Whispers - Whispers is a novel by Dean Koontz.
Who is the main character in the novel "Being There"?
a. Chance b. Mr. Black c. Thomas d. Lily
Chance - In the film adaptation, Peter Sellers plays the role of chance.
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