Arts And Literature Trivia Questions VIFree Trivia Questions -
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In the children's story Goldilocks, how many bears live in the
a. Five
b. Three
c. Seven
d. One
Three - Goldilocks sneaks into the house of the three bears.
Crossed blue swords identify the Meissen type of what object?
a. Glassware
b. Porcelain
c. Silverware
d. Furniture
Porcelain - The crossed swords are one of the world's oldest trademarks.
In Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", who does
Tom live with?
a. His father
b. His cousin
c. His Aunt
d. His grandmother
His Aunt - Tom lives with his Aunt Polly and his half brother.
What was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's pen name?
a. Lewis Carroll
b. Jane Eyre
c. Charles Dickens
d. Samuel Clements
Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll wrote the tale of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
In which classic work, would you find the character, Nickolas
a. Oliver Twist
b. The Great Gatsby
c. Dracula
d. A Tale of Two Cities
The Great Gatsby - This classic was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Two bottles of Bass beer can be seen in whose painting of a bar
at the Folies-Bergeres?
a. Eduoard Manet
b. Toulouse Lautrec
c. Vincent Van Gogh
d. Auguste Renoir
Eduoard Manet - You can tell it is Bass because of the red triangle logos.
In Mary Shelly's novel "Frankenstein", where does Doctor
Frankenstein grow up?
a. America
b. Switzerland
c. Germany
d. Romania
Switzerland - Doctor Frankenstein comes from a wealthy family in Geneva.
Which famous literary character lived in Neverland?
a. Alice
b. Mowgli
c. Tarzan
d. Peter Pan
Peter Pan - Peter Pan lived in Neverland with the Lost Boys.
Artist Andy Warhol died after having what kind of surgery?
a. Liver
b. Heart
c. Gallbladder
d. Kidney
Gallbladder - Andy died in his sleep on the 22nd of February 1987.
Who races against the hare in the classic Aesop's Fable?
a. The frog
b. The tortoise
c. The mouse
d. The hedgehog
The tortoise - In the story, the slow and steady tortoise beats the hare.
In Bram Stoker's classic story "Dracula", how does the vampire
get to Britain?
a. Car
b. Train
c. Carriage
d. Ship
Ship - Dracula arrives in Britain aboard the Russian ship Demeter.
Tarzan is a member of the British aristocracy. What is his
a. Baron
b. Earl
c. Duke
d. Viscount
Earl - Tarzan's British name is John Clayton, the Earl of Greystoke.
According to the rhyme, how many fiddlers did old King Cole
a. Nine
b. One
c. Three
d. Five
Three - The rhyme also states that they all had very fine fiddles.
In which country is the novel "The Three Musketeers" set?
a. France
b. Greece
c. England
d. Italy
France - The Three Musketeers are the King of France's bodyguards.
In printer jargon, CMYK refers to cyan, magenta, yellow and
what color?
a. Kale
b. Krimson
c. Black
d. Red
Black - They K stands for 'key'.
Which of these characters is in the novel, "Pride and
a. Dorothy Gale
b. Elizabeth Bennet
c. Laura Henderson
d. Mary Potts
Elizabeth Bennet - The novel was written by Jane Austin.
Who wrote the story "The Wizard of OZ"?
a. Robert Service
b. Lewis Carroll
c. L. Frank Baum
d. Frances Hodgson Burnett
L. Frank Baum - Mr. Baum wrote over 50 novels, 83 short stories and numerous poems.
Which artist painted "On the Terrace"?
a. Renoir
b. Monet
c. Warhol
d. Thornhill
Renoir - Pierre-Auguste Renoir was a French artist who died in 1919.

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