Bible Trivia Questions IILiterature Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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After upsetting the Jews at Thessalonica, where did Silas and Paul flee?
a. Mount Olympus b. Kozani c. Kavala d. Berea
Berea - Acts 17.10 - Berea is the ancient spelling for the city now known as Veria.
When Jesus was in the wilderness, after fasting for forty days and nights, what was he tempted to turn into loaves of bread?
a. Leaves b. Moss c. Stones d. Twigs
Stones - Matthew 4.3
Before becoming king, what was David's occupation?
a. Shopkeeper b. Carpenter c. Fisher d. Shepherd
Shepherd - Samuel 17.15
Although disputed by some, who is generally credited with writing the majority of the Psalms?
a. John b. Jesus c. Peter d. David
David - Psalms 1 - 150
Where did God send Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac?
a. Carmel b. Moriah c. Calvary d. Ararat
Moriah - Genesis 22.2
Whose twelve-year-old daughter did Jesus raise from the dead?
a. Jairus b. Caiaphas c. Claudia d. Malchus
Jairus - Luke 8.41
According to Proverbs, how shall a "man's belly be satisfied"?
a. By the fruit of his hands b. By the fruit of his generosity c. By the fruit of his labor d. By the fruit of his mouth
By the fruit of his mouth - Proverbs 18.20
Who was the successor to Moses?
a. Joshua b. Jethro c. Gershom d. Aaron
Joshua - Joshua 1.1-6
When there was no water to drink for the Israelite community camped at Rephidim, how did Moses provide it?
a. He prayed b. He dug a well c. He opened the skies d. He struck a rock
He struck a rock - Exodus 17.6
What is the name of the angel who appeared to Mary?
a. Lucifer b. Michael c. Abaddon d. Gabriel
Gabriel - Luke 1.26
Of what, explicitly, was man forbidden to eat from in the Garden of Eden?
a. Fruit of Enlightenment b. Tree of Eternal Life c. Bush of Evil d. Tree of Knowledge
Tree of Knowledge - Genesis 2.17
In which book of the Bible would we find the son of Hammedatha, Haman?
a. Leviticus b. Esther c. Judges d. Judith
Esther - Esther 3.1
What did Jesus do for each of the disciples during the Last Supper?
a. Rubbed their backs b. Washed their faces c. Washed their feet d. Washed their hands
Washed their feet - John 13.1-5
When Moses was a shepherd, how did the angel of the Lord appear to him?
a. Within a tree b. Within a babbling brook c. Within a burning bush d. Within a rock
Within a burning bush - Exodus 3.2
In which town was Jesus born?
a. Bethlehem b. Jerusalem c. Gilead d. Babel
Bethlehem - Matthew 2:1
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