Bible Trivia Questions IIIFree Trivia Questions - Printable Trivia
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After dying on the cross, what was Jesus wrapped in before he was buried?
a. Linen Cloth b. Cotton Cloth c. Leather d. Fur
Linen Cloth - John 19.40
The son of David, how long did Solomon reign over Israel?
a. 30 Years b. 10 Years c. 40 Years d. 20 Years
40 Years - Book of Kings 11.42
Daniel the prophet had a dream about four things. What were they?
a. Women b. Beasts c. Angels d. Horses
Beasts - Daniel 7.3
The first miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John, what marvel did Jesus perform at the marriage in Cana?
a. Bread from stones b. Water into wine c. Resurrection of a dead girl d. Blind man cured
Water into wine - John 2.1-11
What is the last book of the Old Testament?
a. Zephaniah b. Malachi c. Haggai d. Zechariah
Malachi - Written between the 8th and 6th centuries BC.
According to the Book of Genesis, on the fourth day God made the Sun, Moon and what else?
a. Stars b. Man c. Light d. Earth
Stars - Genesis 1.14-18
Before Jesus died for man's sins, how were sins forgiven in the Old Testament?
a. Animal sacrifice b. Confession c. Prayer d. Fasting
Animal sacrifice - Leviticus 4
According to the Gospel of John, what were the names of Lazarus' sisters?
a. Mary and Hannah b. Mary and Miriam c. Mary and Martha d. Mary and Anna
Mary and Martha - John 11.1-3
According to Peter, how long will the Kingdom of God last?
a. A long time b. A million years c. As long as the earth d. Forever
Forever - 2 Peter 1.11
The parable of the leaven describes what happens when a woman adds leaven to a large quantity of flour. What is leaven more commonly known as?
a. Yeast b. Beer c. Milk d. Sugar
Yeast - Matt 13.33
For how many pieces of silver did Judas Iscariot betray Christ after the Last Supper?
a. Thirty b. Ten c. Twenty d. Forty
Thirty - Matthew 26.15
What was the connection of Elisabeth to the mother of Jesus, Mary?
a. Her mother b. Cousin c. Sister d. Friend
Cousin - Luke 1.36
When Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through, what type of tree did Zacchaeus the tax collector climb so that he could see Jesus?
a. Palm Tree b. Sycamore Tree c. Black Mulberry Tree d. Juniper Tree
Sycamore Tree - Luke 19.4
Who prayed in defiance of King Darius's decree and as a result was thrown into a den of lions?
a. Luke b. Abraham c. Jonah d. Daniel
Daniel - Daniel 6.7
After Jesus rose from the dead, which disciple wanted to see the imprint of the nails on Jesus' hands before he would believe?
a. Thomas b. John c. Peter d. Luke
Thomas - John 20.24-25
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