British Literature Trivia QuizPrintable British Literature Trivia Quiz
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"Edmund Talbot" is a leading character in which of the following William Golding novels?
a. The Pyramid
b. The Scorpion God
c. Rites of Passage
d. Lord of the Flies
Rites of Passage - Rites of Passage was published in 1980.
First published in 1749, "Mr. Allworthy", a country gentleman, is featured in which comic novel?
a. Far From the Madding Crowd
b. Adam Bede
c. Tom Jones
d. Bleak House
Tom Jones - A very influential English novel, Tom Jones is divided into 18 smaller books and is quite lengthy.
The torture chamber "Room 101" can be found in which English novel?
a. Brave New World
b. The House of the Scorpion
c. The Handmaid's Tale
d. 1984
1984 - Room 101 is a torture chamber located in the Ministry of Love.
Published by his son Christopher in 1977, "The Silmarillion" is a fantasy novel by whom?
a. J. R. R. Tolkien
b. H. P. Lovecraft
c. Roald Dahl
d. Terry Pratchett
J. R. R. Tolkien - The novel is comprised of five parts that were initially separate works.
Published in 1876, what is the title of George Eliot's last novel?
a. Amos Barton
b. The Lifted Veil
c. The Legend of Jubal
d. Daniel Deronda
Daniel Deronda - George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans) wrote eight novels during her life.
Which of the following Roald Dahl works was published the earliest?
a. The Twits
b. James and the Giant Peach
c. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
d. Fantastic Mr. Fox
James and the Giant Peach - James and The Giant Peach was first published in 1961.
Originally published in 1962, who wrote the dystopian novel "A Clockwork Orange"?
a. Stanley Kubrick
b. Aldous Huxley
c. Anthony Burgess
d. James Joyce
Anthony Burgess - An adaptation of the novel to film was done by Stanley Kubrick in 1971.
The character of "Mary Crawford" appears in what 1814 Jane Austen novel?
a. Sense and Sensibility
b. Pride and Prejudice
c. Emma
d. Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park - Mansfield Park was the third published novel by Jane Austen.
Finish the name of this famous Doris Lessing work - "The Golden..."?
a. Star
b. Horn
c. Notebook
d. Coin
Notebook - The Golden Notebook was published in 1962.
"Caliban" is a chief character in which of William Shakespeare's plays?
a. The Tempest
b. Twelfth Night
c. All's Well That Ends Well
d. As You Like It
The Tempest - The Tempest is believed to have been written sometime in 1610–11.
"Charles Lutwidge Dodgson" is the real name of which British author?
a. Charles Dickens
b. Arthur Conan Doyle
c. Lewis Carroll
d. George Eliot
Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll is best-known for his novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
What novel by Virginia Woolf details a day in the life of a 51 year old woman named "Clarissa"?
a. Mrs. Dalloway
b. Night and Day
c. Moments of Being
d. A Room of One's Own
Mrs. Dalloway - Mrs. Dalloway was published in 1925.
Her fourth, what English author wrote the 1853 novel "Villette"?
a. Virginia Woolf
b. Charlotte Bronte
c. Hilary Mantel
d. Jane Austen
Charlotte Bronte - The BBC produced a television miniseries based on Villette in 1970.
What 1949 English novel is set in Airstrip One, a province of the super state Oceania?
a. Heart of Darkness
b. Of Human Bondage
c. 1984
d. Paradise Lost
1984 - Written by George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four has been adapted for the cinema, radio, television and theatre.
Considered a classic of English literature, who wrote the satire "Gulliver's Travels"?
a. Jonathan Swift
b. William Golding
c. Henry Fielding
d. Charles Dickens
Jonathan Swift - A movie based on the book was released in 2010 starring Jack Black.
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