Cats Trivia QuizAnimal Trivia Questions - Printable
Click the question mark found beside each question for the answer.
How many bones does a cat have?
a. 192
b. 186
c. 230
d. 120
230 - A cat has 230 bones, whereas an adult human only has 206.
What breed of cat is shown in the Disney Movie "Lady and the
a. American short Hair
b. Siamese
c. Tabby
d. Persian
Siamese - The cats are called Si and Am.
How many rows of whiskers does a cat have?
a. 7
b. 4
c. 2
d. 6
4 - The average cat has 24 whiskers.
How many teeth does an adult cat have?
a. 36
b. 30
c. 42
d. 22
30 - A kitten has 26 teeth.
The cat breed "Spotted Mist" is now known as what?
a. Australian Mist
b. Belgian Mist
c. Canadian Mist
d. American Mist
Australian Mist - This breed was developed by Dr. Truda Straede.
Which of these cat breeds has long hair?
a. Havana Brown
b. Ocicat
c. Russian blue
d. Himalayan
Himalayan - The Himalayan cat is also called a Himalayan Persian or a Colourpoint Persian.
Which of these breeds is caused by a genetic mutation?
a. Siberian
b. Napoleon
c. Manx
d. Munchkin
Munchkin - The breed has extremely short front legs.
Which of these breeds is native to Kenya?
a. Snowshoe
b. Nebelung
c. Tiffany
d. Sokoke
Sokoke - The other three cats are native to the United States.
Which of these cats has a "ticked coat"?
a. Manx
b. Abyssinian
c. La Perm
d. Persian
Abyssinian - The origin of this cat is unknown. It was once believed that it came from Ethiopia.
However, recent research suggests it comes from the coast of the Indian Ocean.
Which breed of cat is the largest?
a. Maine Coon
b. Ragdoll
c. Siberian
d. Savannah
Savannah - This breed was developed by crossing a Siamese and a Serval Cat.
When does a kitten open its eyes?
a. Two months
b. 1-3 weeks
c. 5 weeks
d. At birth
1-3 weeks - It is common for female kitten's eyes to open sooner than males.
When does a kitten show interest in solid food?
a. Two months
b. 2 weeks
c. At birth
d. 6 weeks
6 weeks - Although kittens are eating solid food by six weeks, they should remain with their mother for
at least two more weeks.
What best describes a feral cat?
a. Cats that roam only at night
b. Cats that roam freely
c. A domesticated cat that has returned to the wild
d. A barn cat
A domesticated cat that has returned to the wild - Feral cats are truly wild. They are not socialized.
What is the name of the cat that was left £9m by his reclusive
British owner in 1988?
a. Paws
b. Blackie
c. Tubbs
d. Marmalade
Blackie - In 2011, a four-year-old cat named Tommaso, become the world's richest cat with an inheritance
of £10m.
On average, cats spend how much time every day sleeping?
a. 16 Hours
b. 12 Hours
c. 8 Hours
d. 4 Hours
16 Hours - A nine-year-old cat has been asleep for six years of its life.

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