Dr Seuss Books Trivia Quiz IILiterature Trivia Questions - Printable
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Complete the title of this Dr. Seuss book - I Think I Saw it
a. Blueberry Street
b. Mulberry Street
c. Cedar Street
d. First Avenue
Mulberry Street - Dr. Seuss published the book in 1937.
In which Dr. Seuss book would you find the character the
a. McElligot's Pool
b. There's a Wocket in My Pocket
c. The Lorax
d. Would You Rather Be a Bull Frog
The Lorax - The Once-ler can be found where the grickle grass grows.
How many hats did Bartholomew Cubbins have?
a. 300
b. 500
c. 700
d. 100
500 - This story is set in the Kingdom of Didd.
If you wanted to go to Seuss Landing, where would you go?
a. Dolly World
b. Disney World
c. Disneyland
d. Universal Studios
Universal Studios - This land is a part of Islands of Adventure.
What do the Sneetches want to have put on their bellies?
a. Moons
b. Hearts
c. Rainbows
d. Stars
Stars - The cool Sneetches have stars on their bellies.
What is the name of the little girl in the classic tale "The
Cat in the Hat"?
a. Mary-Lou
b. Bobby-jean
c. Cindy
d. Sally
Sally - Sally and her brother have to stay inside to play because it is wet outside.
Which Dr. Seuss book is subtitled "The Simplest Seuss for
Youngest Use"?
a. One Fish Two Fish
b. Hop on Pop
c. If I Ran the Zoo
d. I Wish I Had Duck Feet
Hop on Pop - The book was first published in 1963.
What does the bottom turtle do that causes Yertle to fall?
a. Slips
b. Yawns
c. Rolls over
d. Burps
Burps - This action causes all of the turtles to fall.
What was the name of the last book Dr. Seuss published before
his death in 1991?
a. Oh, the Places You'll go
b. The Foot Book
c. You're Only Old Once
d. The Lorax
Oh, the Places You'll go - The book was published in 1990.
Which of these books was published after Dr. Seuss had died in
a. Horton Hatches an Egg
b. The Butter Battle Book
c. Daisy-Head Mayzie
d. If I Ran the Zoo
Daisy-Head Mayzie - This classic was written by Seuss, but he did not illustrate it. It was published in
In the story "Horton Hatches the Egg", what kind of egg, does
Horton hatch?
a. Turtle
b. Bird
c. Sneetch
d. Alligator
Bird - The egg is left by the mother bird and the baby turns out to be an elephant-bird.
What color are the pants, which scare the little boy in the
story "What Was I Scared Of"?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Brown
d. Green
Green - The pale green pants and the little boy learn to accept each other.
When does the story in "The Butter Battle Book" start?
a. The hottest day of the year
b. The coldest day of the year
c. The first day of spring
d. On the last day of summer
On the last day of summer - This book is about the Yooks and the Zooks.
In which Dr. Seuss book would you hear the line "I meant what I
said, And I said what I meant…"?
a. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
b. Horton Hatches the Egg
c. Green Eggs and Ham
d. If I Ran the Zoo
Horton Hatches the Egg - Said by Horton the elephant. He intends to keep his promise to the bird.
What is the name of the little boy in the book "If I Ran the
a. Cindy-Lou
b. Barthy Cubbins
c. Gerald McGrew
d. Mister McBean
Gerald McGrew - The story is about all the strange animals the little boy wants for his zoo.
Where does the story "Bartholomew and the Oobleck" take place?
a. The Kingdom of Didd
b. Whoville
c. The Old Swampy Pong
d. Where the grickle grass grows
The Kingdom of Didd - This story is about a young boy who saves the kingdom from a nasty substance
called the Oobleck.
In which Dr. Seuss story would you meet Cindy-Lou?
a. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
b. The Butter Battle
c. The Cat in the Hat
d. One Fish Two fish
How the Grinch Stole Christmas - This classic tale was made into a full-length movie, which starred Jim

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