Fairy Tales Trivia QuizPrintable Trivia Questions About Fairy Tales
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In the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, how did the evil witch poison Snow White?
a. With an Apple b. With a Doughnut c. With a Sandwich d. With a Cake
With an Apple - Snow White falls into a deep sleep after eating the apple.
Which of these fairy tale characters loses a shoe?
a. Red Rose b. Belle c. Snow White d. Cinderella
Cinderella - Cinderella loses her shoe while leaving the ball.
In the fairy tale about the princesses who dance all night, who discovers their secret?
a. A witch b. A prince c. A soldier d. A woodcutter
A soldier - The old soldier is given a special cape, which makes him invisible.
In the fairy tale version of Bluebeard, what does bluebeard's wife try to clean?
a. Bluebeard's bed b. Her shoes c. A key d. Bluebeard's robe
A key - The key is stained with blood.
In which popular story would you find a talking cricket?
a. Peter Pan b. Pinocchio c. Cinderella d. Briar Rose
Pinocchio - The cricket acts as Pinocchio's conscience.
The character of Maleficent appears in which fairy tale?
a. Snow White b. Thumbelina c. Red Rose d. Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty - Maleficent is the evil fairy who curses sleeping beauty.
In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, which of these items is not an item that Jack stole from the giant?
a. A bag of gold b. A harp c. A sword d. The goose
A sword - Jack uses an axe to cut down the beanstalk.
In the Grimm's German fairy tale, what was the name of the person who imprisoned Rapunzel?
a. Dame Wanda b. Dame Gothel c. Lady Griselda d. Lady Satin
Dame Gothel - Dame Gothel keeps Rapunzel in a tower with no door.
Which of these is not one of the seven dwarves?
a. Happy b. Dippy c. Grumpy d. Dopey
Dippy - The other dwarves were Doc, Bashful, Sneezey and Sleepy.
In the classic version of Cinderella, how many stepsisters does she have?
a. Five b. Four c. Two d. None
Two - Her father marries a woman with two selfish daughters.
What did the seven dwarves do for a living?
a. Farmers b. Wood cutters c. Miners d. Hunters
Miners - The seven dwarves are often depicted as diamond miners.
In the tale of "Rumplestiltskin", what does the miller's daughter do?
a. Spins straw into gold b. Dance c. Catch the golden goose d. Sing
Spins straw into gold - Rumplestiltskin teaches the girl how to spin the straw.
In the story of the "Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Anderson, where does the Queen live?
a. The North Pole b. The Rockies c. Russia d. The Alps
The Alps - The Snow Queen lived in a great ice palace.
Whom does Little Red Riding Hood want to visit?
a. The queen b. Her sister c. Her aunt d. Her grandmother
Her grandmother - The grandmother lives on the other side of the forest in most versions of the tale.
In the most popular version of the story, "Beauty and the Beast," what happens to Beauty's sisters?
a. They are banished b. They are forced to work in the mines c. They are transformed into statues d. They are turned into birds
They are transformed into statues - The two girls are turned into statues at the gate of the castle.
What kind of creature is Thumbelina expected to marry after she is kidnapped?
a. A snake b. A frog c. A wasp d. A raven
A frog - Thumbelina is rescued by some fish.
In the fairy tale version of Bluebeard, what is Bluebeard's wife told not to do?
a. Talk to her sister b. Open a small room c. Invite friends to the castle d. Go into the woods
Open a small room - Bluebeard does not want his wife to unlock a small room in the castle.
In the story of the "Bremen Town Musicians," which of these animals is not found in the story?
a. Cat b. Owl c. Rooster d. Donkey
Owl - The fourth animal in the story is a dog.
In Hans Christians Anderson's story the "Snow Queen," what do the Queen's tears turn into?
a. Flowers b. Rain c. Snow flakes d. Butterflies
Flowers - They turn into the flower edelweiss. These flowers grow in the Alps.
In the original story, Hansel and Gretel get assistance from what kind of creature on their way home from the witch's home?
a. A frog b. A duck c. A horse d. An eagle
A duck - After killing the witch, the duck helps them cross a body of water.
In the story of the dancing princesses, how many princesses were there?
a. 12 b. 7 c. 3 d. 5
12 - The 12 princesses dance all night long. Each morning their shoes are completely worn out.
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