Horses Trivia QuizAnimal Trivia Questions - Printable
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Which of these is not a horse gait?
a. Lope
b. Skip
c. Trot
d. Canter
Skip - A horse can also jog and walk.
Which of these equestrian events is for women only?
a. Dressage
b. Steeplechase
c. Show jumping
d. Barrel racing
Barrel racing - Barrel racing is a western event that is often done during a rodeo.
If a person says that a horse is green, what do they mean?
a. It is a female
b. The horse has little training
c. It is a wild horse
d. It is a trail horse
The horse has little training - 'Green' refers to an animal that has very little training. This can be
any kind of horse.
What do you use to clean a horse's frog?
a. Seat scraper
b. Clippers
c. A hoof pick
d. A curry comb
A hoof pick - The frog is located on the underside of a horse's hoof.
Which of these saddles was traditionally used by women?
a. Hunting saddle
b. Side saddle
c. Racing saddle
d. Western saddle
Side saddle - The side saddle has two pommels or horns.
Which of these saddles does not have a pommel or a horn?
a. Side-saddle
b. Jumping
c. Mexican
d. Western
Jumping - Pommels are often used to hold a rider's lasso.
What unit of measurement is used with horses?
a. A hand
b. Fathoms
c. A meter
d. Inches
A hand - A hand is four inches.
To measure a horse, you go from the ground to a horse's what?
a. Top of its head
b. Top of its ears
c. Withers
d. Back
Withers - The withers is the ridge between a horse's shoulder blades.
If a horse is in heat, what should be worn on its tail?
a. A red ribbon
b. A bandanna
c. A tail wrap
d. A blue ribbon
A red ribbon - A ribbon is also worn to indicate that a horse has a tendency to kick.
If your horse needs shoes, who would you call?
a. A farrier
b. A cobbler
c. A cooper
d. A chandler
A farrier - A farrier will also trim and repair a horse's hooves.
Which of these horse breeds is the tallest?
a. Clydesdale
b. Morgan
c. Arabian
d. Shetland
Clydesdale - A Clydesdale is a type of draft horse.
Which of these breeds is the smallest?
a. Falabella
b. Clydesdale
c. Friesian
d. Shire
Falabella - The other breeds are heavy or draft horses.
What breed of horse is typically used in harness racing?
a. Standardbred
b. Arabian
c. Quarter
d. Shetland
Standardbred - The standardbred is known for its ability to 'pace'.
Which of these terms describes a horse?
a. Herbivore
b. Carnivore
c. Nocturnal
d. Omnivore
Herbivore - A herbivore is an animal that eats only plants.
Which of these terms does not describe a baby horse?
a. Foal
b. Colt
c. Filly
d. Stallion
Stallion - A stallion is a mature male horse.
How old are the horses in the Kentucky Derby?
a. 3
b. 1
c. 5
d. Any age
3 - The Derby is held at Churchill downs.

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