Sports Trivia Questions #25Printable Sports Trivia Quiz
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Olympic gold medals winner Karch Kiraly is known in which sport?
a. Tennis b. Golf c. Volleyball d. Soccer
Volleyball - Karch plays both beach volleyball and indoor volleyball.
During the 1980's, which American Major League Baseball team won two World Series?
a. Boston White Sox b. Cincinnati Reds c. Los Angeles Dodgers d. New York Mets
Los Angeles Dodgers - The Dodgers won in 1981 and 1988.
Which sport hands out the Maurice Podoloff Trophy?
a. Basketball b. Sailing c. Skiing d. Hockey
Basketball - This trophy is given to the MVP.
Playing from 1994 to 1999, which goalie was nicknamed "Net Detective"?
a. Ron Hextall b. Jim Carey c. Carey Price d. Martin Brodeur
Jim Carey - Jim was also called Ace.
Which professional NBA team plays at the "Alamo Dome"?
a. Dolphins b. Cubs c. Spurs d. Bears
Spurs - The Spurs were founded in 1967.
What number did NHL great Phil Esposito wear?
a. 7 b. 67 c. 77 d. 17
7 - Phil's number was retired by the Boston Bruins.
Officially, retired in October 2012, in which sport did Herve Filion excel?
a. Horse Racing b. Darts c. Soccer d. Boxing
Horse Racing - Herve won 14,084 races during his long career.
Which team did American baseball great Babe Ruth coach?
a. Mets b. Dodgers c. Bengals d. Giants
Dodgers - Ruth coached the Brooklyn dodgers in 1938.
The oldest tennis tournament in the world, when was the first "Wimbledon Tournament"?
a. 1832 b. 1877 c. 1937 d. 1911
1877 - Wimbledon takes place over two weeks in late June and early July each year.
Which African nation was the first to qualify for a FIFA World Cup?
a. Kenya b. South Africa c. Uganda d. Egypt
Egypt - Egypt qualified in 1934.
Which famous athlete was rumoured to have been offered the throne of Albania?
a. Mohammed Ali b. C. B. Fry c. David Beckham d. Pele
C. B. Fry - Fry was a cricket player.
How many gold medals did American swimmer Mark Spitz win at the 1972 Summer Olympics?
a. Seven b. Five c. Ten d. Three
Seven - Mark set seven world records at the games.
In which sport did Buster Douglas compete?
a. Cross country skiing b. Boxing c. Swimming d. Golf
Boxing - Buster Douglas fought and defeated Mike Tyson in 1990.
The terms mulekick, goofy and hucker are used in which sport?
a. Archery b. Snowboarding c. Diving d. Sailing
Snowboarding - You might also hear the terms gnarly and howler.
George Washington and his troops played which sport at Valley Forge in 1778?
a. Cricket b. Polo c. Golf d. Baseball
Cricket - The game was called wickets and there is an account of the troops playing at Valley Forge in 1778.
According to the official golf rules, how long can a player search for a lost ball?
a. There is no set time b. Five minutes c. Fifteen minutes d. Half an hour
Five minutes - During the five minutes, anyone can help look for the lost ball.
Inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2008, Michael Chang played for which nation?
a. China b. South Korea c. Great Britain d. America
America - Michael was the youngest player to win a Grand Slam title.
Which nation has the distinction of being the only country to compete in every FIFA World Cup?
a. Brazil b. Germany c. Great Britain d. America
Brazil - The World Cup was not held in 1942 and 46 due to the Second World War.
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