What Happened First Trivia Quiz IIPrintable History Trivia Questions
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Ancient History - Which historic event happened first?
a. First Year of Mayan Calendar b. Cuneiform is Invented c. Naqada Culture Emerges d. Minoan civilization Founded
Naqada Culture Emerges - The Naqada culture is the archaeological culture of Chalcolithic Predynastic Egypt.
Historic Battles - Which of these battles was the first to occur?
a. Battle of Austerlitz b. Hundred Days c. Battle of Trafalgar d. Battle of the Nile
Battle of the Nile - The Battle of the Nile was a major naval battle between the British and the French on the Mediterranean coast in August of 1798.
Henry VII Wives - Which wife did Henry VII marry first?
a. Anne of Cleves b. Anne Boleyn c. Catherine Howard d. Jane Seymour
Anne Boleyn - Anne was executed on the morning of May 19th, 1536.
Historical Events - Which of these events happened before the others?
a. Act of Supremacy b. Elizabeth I crowned c. Council of Trent d. Ivan the Terrible becomes Tsar
Act of Supremacy - The first Act of Supremacy named King Henry VIII of England the supreme head of the Church of England.
Historical Leaders - Which of the following leaders was born first?
a. Hernan Cortes b. Gustav II Adolf c. Saladin d. Charlemagne
Charlemagne - Also known as Charles the Great, Charlemagne was the Holy Roman Emperor from 800 to 814.
History of Religion - Which occurred the earliest?
a. Zoroastrianism Founded b. Jesus Crucified c. Buddhism Founded d. Hinduism founded
Hinduism founded - Hinduism has been called the 'oldest religion' in the world.
History of Technology - Which item was invented first?
a. Dynamite b. Atom Bomb c. Steam Turbine d. Thermometer
Thermometer - Various people have been credited with the invention of the thermometer.
Japanese History - Who ruled first?
a. Itoku b. Kaika c. Keiko d. Jimmu
Jimmu - Emperor Jimmu was the first emperor of Japan reigning from 660 BCE to 585 BCE.
Historic Events - Of the following historic events, which occurred first?
a. Nigerian Independence b. Vietnam War Outbreak c. Berlin Wall Built d. Fidel Castro Gains Power
Fidel Castro Gains Power - Castro was sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba on February 16, 1959.
Roman Emperors - Which of these Emperors reigned before the others?
a. Nerva b. Titus c. Nero d. Domitan
Nero - Nero reigned for 13 years from 54 to 68.
Second World War - Which battle occurred first?
a. Operation Perch b. Normandy Landings c. Battle of Kursk d. Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of Stalingrad - A turning point in the war, the Battle of Stalingrad took place from August 1942 to February 1943.
UN Secretary Generals - Who held this position the earliest?
a. Waldheim b. Thant c. Ghali d. Cuellera
Thant - U Thant was the 3rd Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1961 to 1971.
Ancient History - Which ancient historic event happened before the others?
a. Venus De Milo Carved b. Colossus of Rhodes Built c. Parthenon Built in Athens d. Archimedes Born
Parthenon Built in Athens - The Parthenon was built in 447 - 438 BC.
Assassinations - Which of the following leaders was assassinated before the others?
a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Mussolini c. Inukai Tsuoyoshi d. Leon Trotsky
Inukai Tsuoyoshi - Inukai was assassinated on May 15, 1932 in Tokyo, Japan.
U.S. Conflicts - Which of these conflicts involving America occurred before the others?
a. Second Seminole War b. Winnebago War c. Callao Affair d. Black Hawk War
Winnebago War - The Winnebago War took place in Illinois and Michigan in 1827.
Historic Leaders - Which of these Byzantine Emperors ruled first?
a. Heracleon b. Zeno c. Justin I d. Tiberius II
Zeno - Zeno was the Byzantine Emperor from 474 to 475 and again from 476 to 491.
Historic Events - Which of these events happened before the others?
a. War of the Roses Begins b. Hundred Years War Ends c. Beijing becomes Capital d. The Concordat of Vienna
Beijing becomes Capital - Ming emperors made Beijing the capital in 1421 and it remained China's capital until 1912. It became the capital once again in 1949.
U.S. Presidents - Which of these U.S. Presidents held the office first?
a. James Madison b. Andrew Jackson c. Thomas Jefferson d. James Monroe
Thomas Jefferson - An American Founding Father, Jefferson served as president from March 4, 1801 to March 4, 1809.
Religious Leaders - Who served as Archbishop of Canterbury first?
a. Anselm b. Justus c. John De Stratford d. Lyfing
Justus - Justus was the fourth Archbishop of Canterbury.
World War One - Which of these historic battles occurred before the others?
a. Battle of Neuve Chapelle b. Battle of Shaiba c. Battle of Festubert d. Battle of Lone Pine
Battle of Neuve Chapelle - The Battle of Neuve Chapelle was a British offensive that occurred between the 10th and 13th of March, 1915.
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