What Happened First Trivia QuizPrintable History Trivia Questions
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Ancient History - Which event happened first?
a. "Old Kingdom" Period in Egypt b. Minoan civilization founded c. First Year of Mayan Calendar d. Cuneiform is invented
Minoan civilization founded - Flourishing from approximately 2700 to 1450 BC, the Minoan civilization had its beginnings on the island of Crete.
Historic Battles - Which of these battles occurred first?
a. Battle of Reval b. Battle of Lepanto c. Battle of Marston Moor d. Battle of Blenheim
Battle of Lepanto - Taking place in 1571, the battle saw the Holy League defeat the Ottoman Empire in five hours of fighting on the Gulf of Corinth.
British Prime Ministers - Which of the following Prime Ministers reigned the earliest?
a. Herbert Asquith b. Stanley Baldwin c. Neville Chamberlain d. David Lloyd George
Herbert Asquith - Herbert Asquith was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1908 to 1916.
Communication History - What happened first?
a. Electric Telegraph b. Telephone invented c. Guttenberg's Press d. Morse Code
Guttenberg's Press - Johannes Gutenberg's development of the printing press began in 1436.
Historical Conflicts - Which of these battles happened before the others?
a. Battle of Reval b. Battle of the Nile c. Battle of Blenheim d. Battle of Marston Moor
Battle of Marston Moor - Fought during the First English Civil War, The Battle of Marston Moor took place in July of 1644.
French Presidents - Which of these French Presidents reigned before the others?
a. Charles De Gaulle b. Francois Mitterrand c. Jacques Chirac d. Georges Pompidou
Charles De Gaulle - Charles De Gaulle was in office from January 1959 until April 1969.
Henry VII Wives - Who did Henry VII marry before the others?
a. Jane Seymour b. Catherine of Aragon c. Anne of Cleves d. Anne Boleyn
Catherine of Aragon - Queen of England from 1509 until 1533, Catherine of Aragon was Henry's first wife.
Historical Events - What came first?
a. Great Irish Famine b. Treaty of Tianjin c. American Civil War Begins d. Taiping Rebellion
Great Irish Famine - A period of mass starvation, the Great Irish Famine took place between 1845 and 1852.
Historical Leaders - Which of the following leaders was born before the others?
a. Hannibal b. Alexander The Great c. Charlemagne d. Julius Caesar
Alexander The Great - Dead at the young age of 32, Alexander the Great was the King of Macedonia from 336 until 323 BC.
Historical Scientific Events - Which occurred first?
a. Hooks Law b. Napier's Logarithms c. Boyles Law d. Kepler's Laws of Motion
Kepler's Laws of Motion - Johannes published his first two laws of planetary motion in 1609.
Historical Trials - Which of these historical trials happened first?
a. Joan Of Arc b. Galileo c. Charles I d. Thomas More
Joan Of Arc - Joan was put on trial for heresy in 1431.
History of Exploration - What happened first?
a. Columbus visits Jamaica b. Madeira and Azores discovered c. De Gama reaches India d. Diaz Rounds Cape of Good Hope
Madeira and Azores discovered - Madeira and the Azores were discovered in the 14th century.
History of Religion - Which religious event occurred the earliest?
a. Muhammad Born b. Guru Nanak Born c. Jesus Crucified d. Sunni and Shia Split
Jesus Crucified - The crucifixion of Jesus occurred sometime during the 1st century AD.
History of Technology - Which came first?
a. Wheel b. Bronze c. Archimedean Screw d. Coal
Bronze - The earliest known tin-alloy bronze dates to 4500 BCE.
Historic Events - Which of the following events happened the earliest?
a. William Wallace Hanged b. Golden Bull Charter c. Battle of Poitiers d. Black Death Hits Europe
William Wallace Hanged - Wallace was hanged, drawn and quartered on August 23rd, 1305.
Japanese History - Who ruled first?
a. Ojin b. Keiko c. Anko d. Kaika
Kaika - Although not known for certain, Kaika is considered to have reigned from 157 BC to 98 BC.
Historic Events - Of the following events, which occurred first?
a. Russo Japanese War b. Boxer Rising c. Queen Victoria Dies d. Aswan Dam Built
Boxer Rising - The Boxer Rising took place in China between 1898 and 1900.
Popes - Who reigned earliest?
a. Pius X b. Leo XIII c. John XXIII d. Clement XIV
Clement XIV - Clement XIV served from May 1769 until his death in 1774.
Second War World War - Which battle occurred first?
a. Battle of Stalingrad b. Operation Barbarossa c. Operation Sea Lion d. Battle of Belgium
Battle of Belgium - The Battle of Belgium lasted for approximately 18 days in May of 1940.
Historic Assassinations - Which of these assassinations happened first?
a. JFK b. Malcolm X c. Hendrik Verwored d. Martin Luther King Killed
JFK - Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on Friday November 22, 1963.
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