William Shakespeare Trivia Quiz IIPrintable Trivia Questions About Shakespeare's Works
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In Shakespeare's play, "Measure for Measure," what relation are Claudio and Isabella?
a. Brother/Sister b. Cousins c. Father/Daughter d. Husband/Wife
Father/Daughter - Measure for Measure's first recorded performance took place in 1604.
In which play do we see Aegeon appear as the Merchant of Syracuse?
a. Hamlet b. As You Like It c. Merchant of Venice d. The Comedy of Errors
The Comedy of Errors - The Comedy of Errors is Shakespeare's shortest play.
Sebastian and Olivia are lovers in which of Shakespeare's plays?
a. The Comedy of Errors b. Twelfth Night c. As You Like It d. The Merchant of Venice
Twelfth Night - The first performance of Twelfth Night was on February 2, 1602.
What is the occupation of Polonius in "Hamlet"?
a. Jester b. King c. Chancellor d. King
Chancellor - The full title of the play is 'The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark'.
Which Shakespeare play has the subtitle "What You Will"?
a. The Comedy of Errors b. As You Like It c. Twelfth Night d. Othello
Twelfth Night - The play centers on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated during a shipwreck.
"Proceed, Solinus, to procure my fall" is the opening line in which Shakespeare play?
a. Romeo and Juliet b. The Merchant of Venice c. The Comedy of Errors d. All's Well That Ends Well
The Comedy of Errors - The Comedy of Errors is about two sets of identical twins that were accidentally separated at birth.
In the play Henry V, King Henry marries the princess of which nation?
a. Spain b. Scotland c. Italy d. France
France - Henry V is a history play that was written somewhere around 1599.
Which of Shakespeare's plays is thought to be partially based on Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Knight's Tale"?
a. Titus Andronicus b. The Two Noble Kinsmen c. The Taming of the Shrew d. Troilus and Cressia
The Two Noble Kinsmen - The Two Noble Kinsmen was first published in 1634.
The ghost of whom terrifies Macbeth at a banquet?
a. Malcolm b. Witches c. Duncan d. Banquo
Banquo - The Tragedy of Macbeth was written sometime between 1599 and 1606.
Whom does Olivia's Uncle con into thinking that Olivia is in love with him and wishes to see him wear yellow stockings?
a. Sebastian b. Malvolio c. Shylock d. Viola
Malvolio - Malvolio is the steward of Olivia's household in the play, Twelfth Night.
Forbidden Planet is a 1956 sci-fi film based on which Shakespearean play?
a. Romeo and Juliet b. Othello c. King Lear d. The Tempest
The Tempest - Gene Roddenberry stated that Forbidden Planet was one of his inspirations for Star Trek.
All is True was the original title for which Shakespeare play?
a. Henry VIII b. Richard II c. Richard III d. King John
Henry VIII - The play is based on the life of Henry VIII of England.
Complete the full title of Shakespeare's play "Cymbeline, King of...?
a. Britain b. France c. England d. Rome
Britain - The first recorded production of Cymbeline was in April 1611.
Who is the lover of Orlando in "As You Like It"?
a. Juliet b. Rosalind c. Helena d. Touchstone
Rosalind - As You Like It is the origin of the phrase 'too much of a good thing'.
Which city provides the setting for "Romeo and Juliet"?
a. Verona b. Rome c. Milan d. Venice
Verona - Romeo and Juliet was one of Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime.
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