William Shakespeare Trivia QuizFree Printable Trivia Questions
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Which of these authors wrote a pamphlet maligning Shakespeare?
a. Marlowe b. Swift c. Dickens d. Greene
Greene - Robert Greene wrote 'Greene's Groats-Worth of Wit', which was an attack on the Bard.
Where was Shakespeare born?
a. York b. London c. Eaton d. Stratford
Stratford - Shakespeare's baptism is documented in the Holy Trinity Parish Church in Stratford.
Which Shakespearean character says the line, "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below"?
a. Romeo b. Claudius c. Othello d. Brutus
Claudius - Claudius is from Hamlet.
Iago is the villain in which Shakespearean play?
a. Hamlet b. Othello c. Taming of the Shrew d. All's Well that Ends Well
Othello - Iago plots to destroy Othello.
Which of Shakespeare's characters is often referred to as the Moor?
a. Caius b. The Earl of Kent c. Othello d. Jachimo
Othello - The play's original title was The Tragedy Othello - The Moor of Venice.
What was the name of Shakespeare's wife?
a. Kate b. Mary c. Elizabeth d. Anne
Anne - William married Anne Hathaway in 1582.
What did Shakespeare leave to his wife in his will?
a. A letter from the queen b. An unfinished manuscript c. A feathered quill d. The second best bed
The second best bed - Scholars have argued over this request for centuries. It is unclear if it was a sign of affection or ill will.
What did Shakespeare's father do?
a. A teacher b. A butcher c. A minister d. A glover
A glover - John Shakespeare was an alderman and a glover.
The line, "To be, or not to be" is from which Shakespearean play?
a. Much Ado About nothing b. Titus c. Hamlet d. Macbeth
Hamlet - This line is uttered by Hamlet.
Which of these titles applies to Shakespeare?
a. The Bard of Avon b. The Bard of Hampton Court c. The Bard of Stratford d. The Bard of Eaton
The Bard of Avon - William is regarded as being the national poet of England.
Approximately how many plays did William Shakespeare write?
a. 104 b. 21 c. 38 d. 76
38 - He also wrote about 154 sonnets.
How old was Shakespeare when he died?
a. 67 b. 33 c. 83 d. 52
52 - Shakespeare died on the 23rd of April 1616.
The line "Nothing will come of nothing," is from which Shakespearean play?
a. King Lear b. Hamlet c. Measure for Measure d. Timon of Athens
King Lear - King Lear is one of Shakespeare's tragedies.
During which play will you hear the line "Now is the winter of our discontent"?
a. Romeo and Juliette b. Merchant of Venice c. As You Like It d. Richard III
Richard III - This line is uttered by Richard III.
How many siblings did Shakespeare have?
a. 4 b. 7 c. 11 d. 2
7 - John and Mary had eight children. Many of the children did not live to adulthood.
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" is a line from which Shakespearean play?
a. Twelfth Night b. Merry Wives of Windsor c. Two Gentlemen From Verona d. Henry V
Twelfth Night - The play is one of Shakespeare's comedies.
Which of these Shakespearean plays is a comedy?
a. Winter's Tale b. Cymbeline c. Pericles d. King Lear
Winter's Tale - The Winter's Tale was published after Shakespeare's death.
"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once" is a line from which Shakespearean play?
a. Much Ado About Nothing b. Anthony and Cleopatra c. Julius Caesar d. Titus
Julius Caesar - This line is uttered by Julius Caesar.
How many children did Shakespeare have?
a. 0 b. 5 c. 7 d. 3
3 - Shakespeare had three children, Susannah and twins Hamnet and Judith.
"A man can die but once" is a line from which of Shakespeare's plays?
a. Henry IV part 2 b. Henry II c. King Lear d. Henry V
Henry IV part 2 - This play is one of the histories. This line is uttered by Francis Feeble.
What day was Shakespeare born?
a. Unknown b. The 26th of April c. The 14 of April d. The 30th of April
Unknown - The actual date is unknown, however, by law a parent had to have their child baptized the first Sunday after their birth.
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